Using Saved Searches in QBench

Saved searches (or “Saved Filters”) are one of the most powerful and loved features of QBench. Saved searches make it possible for any user to find any data type (e.g. samples) that meet a certain criteria (e.g. ready for processing). We’ve put together a quick blog post so you can learn about the many use cases of saved searches. To learn more read on or visit our blog.

What is a saved search?

Data in QBench can be filtered (or “searched”) using many different criteria. For example, you might want to find a specimen or sample belonging to a certain customer (or patient) that was received during a specific time window. To perform a search you can navigate to the appropriate page (the samples page in this example), click the filter icon, enter your search criteria, and click submit. As you can imagine, you’ll need to run many searches on a daily basis, and often with the same criteria (e.g. samples ready for processing) - and that’s where saved searches come in handy!

Every user can have their own set of saved searches. Commonly used saved searches are: tests not started, tests ready for review, tests ready to report, etc. You get the idea. As an administrator you can also configure global saved searches and assign them to users so they don’t have to set up their own.

Available on the dashboard

You can have your saved searches appear on your personal dashboard so that when you log in to QBench everything that’s important is visible at a glance.

How to set up a saved search?

Navigate to a listing page (e.g. All Samples) and then click the filter icon. You can now input your search criteria and click submit. The page will load your filtered samples list. You can now click on the filter icon again and select “Save new”. You can now name your saved search and click save. To navigate to your saved search simply go to the data type in question (e.g. samples) in the main navigation. Here, your newly created saved search will appear below the “All” option. See the short animated GIF image below: