[Shift + Enter]: Enter selected data into platemap cell
Batch Platemaps are now available through the API
Assay information on Tests is now expanded upon in the response for GET requests
Orders GET endpoint now has an option to expand on Samples
Users are now able to Publish a report to the Customer Portal
Users are now able to retrieve Inventory Item/Stock information
Field Configuration:
Users are now able to make any field required and give them default values on creation
New additional field type: Object Relation
This field type allows a user to select another QBench object as a field value
Currently, the only available option is User
Jinja2 is now available for use in QWML (similar to report templates)
Now able to make fields required by including the string “required” in the tag Example Usage: __(input, my_input_field, required)__
Users are now able to filter Tests by “Current Priority” and also include any Tests that are not part of a priority group
Users are now able to include Order Status when exporting tests to a spreadsheet
If an Order only has one Invoice, the “Billing” tab on the Order Page will lead directly to that Invoice
Users are now able to set a “Payment Term” value on the Customer. This value will auto-populate on any Invoice that is created for them.
Security / Stability:
Now setting a timeout on report generation. If a report takes too long to generate, this could potentially stack up requests and hog up CPU usage, resulting in poorer performance until the report(s) are finished generating.
Now limiting the number of history entries. We have had issues where a client using our API bugs out and results in too many history entries, slowing down their instance. Please contact support@qbench.net to discuss modifying this limit
We are now enforcing our 300/1minute API call rate The API will return a 429 Response (Too Many Requests) if it exceeds the limit. Please contact support@qbench.net to discuss modifying this limit
QoL / Bug Fixes
Samples are now able to be associated to a Batch in bulk from the Test List page
Users are now able to filter Inventory Items by expiring Stock
Fixed bug where admins were able to bypass permission restrictions when marking a QMS Document OBSOLETE
On Location page, the Sample input is now correctly auto-focused when the modal pops up
Fixed bug where “Total Hours Left” on the Professional Services page was showing too many decimal places
Fixed bug where some data was missing when exporting Tests to spreadsheet
Fixed bug where our custom Jinja2 Filter to download an attachment for report templates did not select the correct attachment version
Fixed bug where values in history were not converting datetimes to local
Fixed bug in the API where it was not properly converting the “last_updated” parameter for GET endpoints