Users are now able to change the view on the Test List page to be Order-centric
Users are now able to view Worksheets on the Test List page in a vertical fashion rather than paged
Users are now able to export their Test View alongside Worksheet data from the Test List Page
Users now have the option to lock an Order status until all of its Tests are complete
Users can now enable/disable Test statuses automatically updating Order statuses (e.g. Order Status changes to COMPLETED once all Test Statuses are COMPLETED)
Customer Portal:
Customer Portal users can now utilize the “PrintDoc” functionality on the Order Requests page
Users are now able to delete a Location
Caution: This also deletes all of its Sub-Locations
On the Locations list page, the Location name now includes its parents
Location Types now have an icon
Users can now toggle between TinyMCE and CodeMirror when editing Worksheet Configuration (QWML)
QWML now supports LN and LOG functions in calculations