Users are now able to specify a Quantity when receiving Inventory Stock
If an Inventory Stock has a Quantity, an amount can be specified for Quantity Used when using an Inventory Stock on a Test or Batch. This will automatically subtract from the original Quantity and keep a running total until the Quantity Available reaches 0.
Additional Fields:
Users are now able to create a new additional field for selecting multiple users
Users are now able to filter items by this new additional field
Users are now unable to modify an additional field type after the field has been created
Customers and Contacts:
Customer information now displays the first 3 fields in the Field Config when searching them in dropdowns
Users can now configure Default Values and Required Fields for Customers and Contacts
Users are now able to clone Samples from the Order Logging page
QoL / Bug Fixes
Fixed issue where the Report object was not passed into template context for Cover Page Templates when uploading a Report
Fixed issue with Equipment List page mistakenly showing an item’s schedule is Overdue
Fixed issue where Sample Lab ID does not get blanked out when deleting an Order
Added base64 encode/decode Jinja Filters to Report Template Configurations
Added base_price and Assay/Panel Customer Discounts for Assay API response payload