QBench Maintains LIMS Category Leadership in G2 Fall 2024 Reports

QBench won the LIMS Momentum Leader badge for the second quarter in a row in G2’s Fall 2024 Reports and continues to rank #1 on G2’s Highest Rated LIMS in North America list.

QBench brought home ten badges in the Fall 2024 G2 reports, winning seven badges in the LIMS category and three in the Lab Inventory Management Software category. Just like our Summer 2024 update, we’re thrilled to share our continued leadership in the rankings.

Let’s dive in and review the awards.

QBench Wins Momentum Leader Badge in the LIMS Category

For the second report season we were eligible, QBench was awarded the Momentum Leader badge in the LIMS category by maintaining our uppermost right corner spot. What is a Momentum Leader? G2 states, "Our Momentum Grid shows the growth trajectory that products have had in their respective spaces over the last year. The Momentum Grid identifies products that are on a high-growth trajectory based on user satisfaction scores, employee growth, and digital presence." and "With a Momentum Grid, buyers can gain insight into products that are outpacing competitors by delivering innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of their users." This is fitting as QBench continues to grow at a rapid pace.

QBench Wins Best Results Badge in the LIMS Category

QBench has won the Best Results badge for LIMS several quarters in a row. G2 creates its Results Index from estimated ROI, meets requirements, user adoption, and likelihood to recommend data. The Best Results badge is by far our favorite award because of what it means for our impact on our customers’ businesses. We’re creating the best outcomes and Return on Investment (ROI) in the market.

QBench Wins the Best Usability Small Business in the LIMS Category

The Best Usability badge is a first for us and we’re thrilled to earn it! We promise our usability for mid-market and enterprise customers is just as good. We don’t give a different product to companies of a different size. They all get the same top-notch ease of use. G2 creates its usability ranking by factoring in customer satisfaction with the ease of use, customer satisfaction with the ease of admin, customer responses to the Meets Requirements question, and user adoption percentages.

QBench Wins Best Relationship Badges in the LIMS Category

We continue to win the Best Relationship and Best Relationship Small Business badges in the LIMS Relationship Index. G2 creates their Relationship Index from ratings on ease of doing business with, quality of support, and likelihood to recommend. Our customers trust us with one of the most important systems in their business, and we deliver in spades on ROI and the working relationship. They know we’re always there them.

QBench Wins Small Business Leader and High Performer Badges in the LIMS Category

We're continue to earn the Leader badge in the Small Business LIMS category and the High Performer badge for LIMS.

QBench Wins the Momentum Leader, High Performer, and Highest User Adoption badges in the Lab Inventory Management Software Category

In addition to the LIMS category, QBench ranked in the Fall 2024 Lab Inventory Management reports on G2. We won the Momentum Leader, High Performer, and Highest User Adoption badges. While Inventory Management is an add-on module in QBench and not our primary focus, we’re excited to be recognized for being exceptional in this category.

Why QBench is the Highest-Rated LIMS in North America

QBench leading all other vendors on G2’s Satisfaction Score for LIMS in North America, places it in the #1 spot on G2’s list of the Top LIMS in North America. We exceed the average in all rating categories, including Ease of Use, Ease of Setup, Meets Requirements, Quality of Support, Ease of Doing Business With, and Ease of Admin. The high Ease of Use, Ease of Setup, and Ease of Admin ratings align with our differentiated value of being the LIMS that gives you the power to easily configure and adapt your LIMS over time.

Below are some of our badges from the last year.

Themes from Recent QBench Reviews

Three main themes have emerged in our reviews:

  1. QBench is highly flexible and configurable.
  2. QBench is powerful yet easy to use.
  3. Our support is exceptional.

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