Microsoft Power BI

Integrate Microsoft Power BI With QBench Cloud-Based LIMS

Business Intelligence

Turn your LIMS data into insights with the powerful data visualization and analysis tools of Microsoft Power BI.

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Microsoft Power BI

About Microsoft Power BI LIMS Integration

Power BI is a unified, scalable platform for self-service and enterprise business intelligence (BI). Connect to and visualize any data, and seamlessly infuse the visuals into the apps you use every day.

Create amazing data experiences

Easily connect to, model, and visualize your data, creating memorable reports personalized with your KPIs and brand. Get fast, AI-powered answers to your business questions—even when asking with conversational language.

Turn your data into immediate impact

Do more with less using an end-to-end BI platform to create a single source of truth, uncover more powerful insights, and translate them into impact.

Let’s Automate Your Lab!

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LIMS, QMS, Inventory Management, Billing, and Customer Portal all-in-one illustration